Cubot GT99 is cheap yet beautiful quad core android phone from yet another Chinese manufacturer. Of course there's no support or anything for it and user base is low.
I struggled with this issue where other party was unable to hear me because my mic level appeared to be really low. There is no setting to change it. First i thought that might be faulty hardware or something, but it works okay when in speaker mode so i wanted to figure it out.
Phone is based on MKT (MTK6589) chip so we'll use Mobileuncle MTK Tools to boost mic volume.
1. Download application from Play Store: Mobileuncle MTK Tools
2. Open application, navigate "Engineer Mode > Engineer Mode ( MTK )", then swipe to "Hardware Testing" tab and open "Audio > Normal Mode"
3. Watch carefully for "Type", change to "Mic".
4. Change values for Level 0 to 6 one by one and don't forget to press "Set" after each change.
Note: for even louder mic, you can set all values to 255
Level 0 - 112
Level 1 - 136
Level 2 - 160
Level 3 - 184
Level 4 - 208
Level 5 - 232
Level 6 - 255
After you've saved (Set) last setting, you may exit the application and everything should work. If you are like me and you want to see other settings too, go ahead. Just don't fiddle with them much as you can easily "break your phone" by changing wrong setting.
btw, here's the easiest way to root cubot gt99 in case you need it. works both on windows and linux -
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