Pilnīgi random iedomājos nosūtīt ziņu diskžokejam kas savlaik ietekmēja manu mūzikas gaumi, "Dj Cosmonaut". Vairākus gadus sekoju viņam Soundcloud, but viņš publicē tikai "radio trance" tipa ierakstus no sava radio, kuri nav mana pirmā preference, kad vēlos kaut ko klausīties. Savlaik viņa populārārākā dziesma, manuprāt, bija remikss Мумий Тролль dziesmai "Иди ко мне", var būt arī "Radiotrance — летите/Letite (Bitstream & Cosmonaut Remix)"
Saistītā veidā iešļūcu atmiņu celiņā, gribēju pašķirstīt NSB radio arhīvus, bet secināju ka radio ir izbeidzies :( Kaut ko no tā visa vēl var izmakšķerēt mixcloud, bet daži Dj ko savlaik aktīvi klausījos, tur nav. Ok, Ben & Lex vēl var izrakt citā mixcloud kontā, bet bija vēl citi.
No tās kustības vēl turas NuBreaks, alternatīva lauzto bītu mīļiem.
Bet kaut kā saldsērīgi par NSB, ņemot vērā cik daudz viņus savlaik klausījos, cik dienas/nedēļas pavadīju viņu čatos. Grūti pieņemt ka lauztie ritmi kā žanrs izzūd.
UPD: Nesaprotu cik lieli cietie diski ir serveriem.
UPD2: "A single copy of the Internet Archive library collection occupies 99+ Petabytes of server space (and we store at least 2 copies of everything)." (no
Generic Aliexpress BK7231N CB2S plug connection to homeassistant
I hate it when so called "smart" devices require proprietary application and they differ from vendor to vendor. This is not only cumbersome, but also unsustainable as the provider could stop supporting the cloud service (or app) and make the device obsolete. This is why I use homeassistant, open protocols and open firmware whenever possible.
Last Christmas I got tired of plugging the lights every day and since I'm lazy like that, I decided to get few "smart" plugs and automate it. So far I've only had one device for balcony lights, turning them on right before sunset and off at 2AM, and it has worked worked flawlessly. It's a bit bulky and requires to cut the cord (Sonoff Mini) and I don't want to cut all my Christmas lights.
Instead, I got one of the cheapest smart plugs off Aliexpress, one that claims it also reports power usage stats, so I was hopeful it would actually have the required hardware and would probably be flash-able too. It came in an absolute noname packaging, lol, apart from some non-descriptive ID on the device (that I was unable to google-find anywhere). I just pried the plug open, checked out micro controller labels and googled for flashing options. I tried to flash it via FTDI cable, but it turned out it's not required at all, it was sufficient to just use a modding script that exploits device via native API and uploads custom firmware. When I finally got the device into homeassistant and it did all I needed it to do, I got 4 more plugs. Of course, they were slightly different, lol, even though I bought exactly the same device, but I checked it and all of them have the same internals, and flashing instructions worked for them too (success emoji).
Here's how I did it, in case someone finds this useful (hence post in English):
1. Download the Tuya Cloudcutter, tool that exploits Tuya (more or less all those no name devices have the same manufacturer) API and uploads custom firmware.
- `git clone`;
- change directory to tuya-cloudcutter. `cd tuya-cloudcutter`
2. Run cloudcutter. The profile and 3rd party firmware that works for me is "aubess-20a-plug" and "OpenBK7231N".
- "aubess-20a-plug" seemed like the closest device from available list since plug has "BK7231N, CB2S" chipset.
- OpenBK7231N seems like a good project that works with homeassistant and it works for me well enough. Download the BK7231N "CCtr Flash" (Tuya cloud Cutter flash) image from and save to `tuya-cloudcutter/custom-firmware` directory.
3. Cloudcutter process is a bit tedious, but here are the main steps:
- Run CLI command: `./ -p aubess-20a-plug -f OpenBK7231N_UG_1.15.568.bin`
- Plug device in the outlet, press and hold power button until it starts fast blinking (takes ~6 seconds). Release the button.
- While You're preparing device, terminal should print "Scanning for open Tuya SmartLife AP ....".
- Then press the button again and wait till it turns off and back on, keep it pressed until it slow blinks.
- At this point computer should have asked for admin password. provide it. Script should have found device and ran the exploit.
- If everything is correct, it will ask You to power cycle the device (unplug and plug it back in), press the button again until You get into fast blinking mode, then press button again until You are into slow blinking mode.
- Meanwhile it might ask for computer password again, should have searched for device again and hopefully found it. If You fail at any point, You can just kill and rerun the script, follow instructions from top.
- At this point it will print "wlp3s0: AP-ENABLED" and it will seem like it's doing nothing, but You just have to wait (the message in script states this too). Should take couple minutes.
- Follow the script output, it will upload custom firmware to device and eventually the script will stop.
Here's the script output example:
./ -p aubess-20a-plug -f OpenBK7231N_UG_1.15.568.bin
Building cloudcutter docker image
[+] Building 0.8s (13/13) FINISHED
=> [internal] load build definition from Dockerfile 0.0s
=> => transferring dockerfile: 457B 0.0s
=> [internal] load .dockerignore 0.0s
=> => transferring context: 2B 0.0s
=> [internal] load metadata for 0.7s
=> [base 1/2] FROM 0.0s
=> [internal] load build context 0.0s
=> => transferring context: 3.02kB 0.0s
=> CACHED [base 2/2] RUN apt-get -qq update && apt-get install -qy --no-install-recommends git hostapd rfkill dnsmasq build-essential 0.0s
=> CACHED [python-deps 1/4] RUN pip install --upgrade pipenv 0.0s
=> CACHED [python-deps 2/4] COPY src/Pipfile /src/ 0.0s
=> CACHED [python-deps 3/4] COPY src/Pipfile.lock /src/ 0.0s
=> CACHED [python-deps 4/4] RUN cd /src && PIPENV_VENV_IN_PROJECT=1 pipenv install --deploy 0.0s
=> CACHED [cloudcutter 1/2] COPY src /src 0.0s
=> CACHED [cloudcutter 2/2] WORKDIR /src 0.0s
=> exporting to image 0.0s
=> => exporting layers 0.0s
=> => writing image sha256:45a89131482305a949b89cf4f654f02929434595d8af43ea140f6da17297b6f7 0.0s
=> => naming to 0.0s
Successfully built docker image
Loading options, please wait...
Selected Device Slug: aubess-20a-plug
Selected Profile: oem-bk7231n-plug-1.1.8-sdk-2.3.1-40.00
Selected Firmware: OpenBK7231N_UG_1.15.568.bin================================================================================
Place your device in AP (slow blink) mode. This can usually be accomplished by either:
Power cycling off/on - 3 times and wait for the device to fast-blink, then repeat 3 more times. Some devices need 4 or 5 times on each side of the pause
Long press the power/reset button on the device until it starts fast-blinking, then releasing, and then holding the power/reset button again until the device starts slow-blinking.
See for more information.
================================================================================Scanning for open Tuya SmartLife AP
Found access point name: "A-D249", trying to connect...
Device 'wlp3s0' successfully activated with '7ab98544-c999-4296-9e88-deb255a4688a'.
Connected to access point.
Waiting 1 sec to allow device to set itself up...
Running initial exploit toolchain...
Exploit run, saved device config too!
Saved device config in /work/configured-devices/7G5qbfD5YUr6.deviceconfig================================================================================
Power cycle and place your device in AP (slow blink) mode again. This can usually be accomplished by either:
Power cycling off/on - 3 times and wait for the device to fast-blink, then repeat 3 more times. Some devices need 4 or 5 times on each side of the pause
Long press the power/reset button on the device until it starts fast-blinking, then releasing, and then holding the power/reset button again until the device starts slow-blinking.
See for more information.
================================================================================Scanning for open Tuya SmartLife AP
Found access point name: "A-D249", trying to connect...
Device 'wlp3s0' successfully activated with '7ab98544-c999-4296-9e88-deb255a4688a'.
Connected to access point.
Configured device to connect to 'cloudcutterflash'
Device is connecting to 'cloudcutterflash' access point. Passphrase for the AP is 'abcdabcd' (without ')
Checking UDP port 53... Occupied by systemd-resolve with PID 61627.
Port 53 is needed to resolve DNS queries
Do you wish to terminate systemd-resolve? [y/N] y
Attempting to stop systemd-resolved.service
Checking UDP port 67... Available.
Checking TCP port 80... Available.
Checking TCP port 443... Available.
Checking TCP port 1883... Available.
Checking TCP port 8886... Available.
Flashing custom firmware...================================================================================
Wait for up to 10-120 seconds for the device to connect to 'cloudcutterflash'. This script will then show the firmware upgrade requests sent by the device.
================================================================================Using WLAN adapter: wlp3s0
Configuration file: /dev/stdin
Using interface wlp3s0 with hwaddr 08:8e:90:fb:ae:be and ssid "cloudcutterflash"
wlp3s0: interface state UNINITIALIZED->ENABLED
wlp3s0: AP-ENABLED
Using PSK v1 - Received PSK ID version 01
Processing endpoint /v2/url_config
Processing endpoint
Processing endpoint tuya.device.dynamic.config.get
Processing endpoint
!!! Endpoint response not found, using default response - (This is usually okay and safe to ignore unless something isn't working)
Processing endpoint tuya.device.uuid.pskkey.get
[MQTT Sending] Triggering firmware update message.
Processing endpoint tuya.device.upgrade.get
Processing endpoint tuya.device.upgrade.status.update
Processing endpoint /files/OpenBK7231N_UG_1.15.568.bin
Firmware update progress: 7%
Firmware update progress: 13%
Firmware update progress: 17%
Firmware update progress: 47%
Firmware update progress: 72%
Processing endpoint tuya.device.upgrade.silent.get
Processing endpoint
Firmware update progress: 85%
Processing endpoint tuya.device.dynamic.config.get
Processing endpoint tuya.device.dynamic.config.ack
Processing endpoint tuya.device.timer.count
Firmware update progress: 91%
[Firmware Upload] /files/OpenBK7231N_UG_1.15.568.bin send complete, request range: bytes=0-621375/621376
Firmware update progress: 94%
Firmware update progress: 98%
Firmware file has been sent and MQTT reported a progress of nearly complete. Waiting 15 seconds to ensure flashing completes.
Flashing should be complete. It takes about 15 seconds for the device to reboot and verify the flash was valid.
Please wait about 30 seconds then look for signs of activity from the firmware you supplied (either watch for AP mode or check if it joined your network).
Device MAC address: 1c:90:ff:b1:d2:49
4. The device will come up shortly, you can find it with wlan scanner:
Cell 03 - Address: 1C:90:FF:B1:D2:48
Frequency:2.412 GHz (Channel 1)
5. Connect to wifi, initial device ip (url) is I had to disable and enable wifi adapter for wifi networks to show up in networkmonitor applet. Configure device as follows:
- Launch Web Application to select i/o profile for plug (
- Select "Aubess Smart Plug (Aubess LSPA9 clone)" as it looks to be the closest and everything seems to work with it. Even though image says 16A, not sure if it matters. Click "Save Pins" button at the bottom of the page
- Go back to main configuration at, configure Wifi at "Config -> Configue WiFi". Scan local networks or write connection details by hand. MAKE SURE TO ENTER CORRECT WIFI CREDENTIALS! Click "Submit", wait till it restarts and connects.
- Connect computer to network You added plug to. It should be the same network as Your MQTT service (Get the new IP address of Your plug (either from Wifi router DHCP lease list or scan network ip's). It You succeed to connect to your new device, everything still goes according to plan.
- Proceed with "Config -> Configure Names" to assign unique name to Your device. Mine is "plug1" for "ShortName" and "plug2_OpenBK7231N_FFB1D249" for "Full Name". Click submit.
- Configure MQTT at "Config -> Configure MQTT". You'll need a preconfigured MQTT instance that is connected to Homeassistant (if You don't have one, set it up first). Host should be ip of mqtt server (probably the same ip as homeassistant), my client topic is "plug1".
- Add device to homeassistant. Go to "Config -> Home Assistant Configuration". From here You can either manually add the printed snippet to your homeassistant configuration yaml file if You configure all devices by hand or click "Start Home Assistant Discovery". If you click the button, the plug should be discovered as new device in Your Homeassistant web UI. If it's there, the process has been successful, You should be able to see all graphs and be able to turn relay on and off.
- I think it should be possible to toggle the relay by pressing the button on the plug, but it's not possible on my devices. I suspect pin configuration in plug's "Web Application" is incorrect or missing.
- I should check how to get the device auto power-up when plugged in. I have to turn it on via UI after i plug it in which is fine since I don't plan to unplug it too often, but also annoying. There should be a setting for it somewhere. EDIT: "Config -> Configure Startup", add "-1" to restore last state after plugging it in.
Related keywords: Bonda, BSD33, BK7231N, CB2S, Homeassistant
Oldskūlais cd rippings
Ja neskaita Arstarulsmirus fāzes mūziku (kura tā arī nekad netika atsūtīta, paldies gustavo mediju komanda), man uz plaukta beidzot ir visa Gustavo diskogrāfija. Šodien atbrauca jaunākais albūms, "Tagad tikai sākās" un man jau ir atlasīti pāris favorīti ko skandināt uz riņķi. Lirikas dziļums audzis un ļoti relevants, taču instrumentālajā ziņā gan esmu "izlaists" pēc tā ko var dzirdēt Zeļģim. Nesaistīti, bet pastarpināti dzirdēt Dj Monsta skrāpējumus man vienmēr patīk, tieši uz galda stāv NiMo vienīgais albums un domāju ko ar to darīt (atdot liktenim vai nē). Šoreiz Gustavo vāciņā pat fiziski rakstīts (ne kopēts) autogrāfs, respectable <3
Biju jau piemirsis kā notiek cd kopēšanas process, pirmais izaicinājums bija izrakt no kastēm ārējo kompatdisku lasītāju, atrast pareizo programmu disku rippošanai un kur nu vēl visu flac, ogg un mp3 formātu izvēle.
Finālā, bija jādomā divreiz kurš mūzikas atskaņotājs tagad ir jālieto.
Kopš aktīvi sāku lietot Grooveshark (rip), Soundcloud un Youtube playlistes, vajadzēja tikai pacmit gadus lai būtu sajūta ka offline atskaņotājs un failu kopēšana starp iekārtām ir ļoti arhajiska, nepierasta un neērta štelle.
Elementāra binārā gradācija sociālās dzīves iesācējiem
1. Ja tev ir virs 22 (vai vienalga cik) un tu lieto Tiktok, tu esi idiots. Pārstāj.
2. Ja tev ir zem 23, tu neesi ķīnietis un lieto Tiktok, tu esi idiots. Pārstāj. Tiktoks būtu jābano.
3. Ja tev ir virs 24 un tu nedēļā esi aplūkojis vairāk kā 24 memes (vai relatable, wholesome bildes), man ir sliktas ziņas - tu esi idiots.
4. Ja nevari "uz sitienu" atcerēties 5 labus jokus, atraksties no visām joku lapām jo viņas, acīmredzot, ir bezjēdzīgas.
5. Ja tev ir virs 25 un tu jebkurā sociālajā medijā noskrollo vairāk kā 5 lapas, get a life [loser]. Ej ārā, ej uz klubu, dzīvo dzīvi.
6. Visi "shorts" tipa video kuriem nav scrollbāra vai pat video progresa indikācijas ir radīti idiotiem. Cilvēkiem būtu jāpārstāj lietot tādus servisus, jānovērtē savu dzīvi augstāk par tāda veida marasmu.
7. Ja tev ir zem 18 un tu lieto Facebook, tad pārstāj. Tu neesi vecs, labāk lieto tinder vai vienalga ko. Tev nav nepieciešama tā onkoloģija.
8. Ja tu esi savu zelta domu publicējis sociālajos portālos kā attēlu ar citātu vidū (jo standarta testā tavu smalko domu graudu citi nepamanīs), tu esi idiots.
9. Ja tu esi no sevis dabūjis ārā serpentu, izmanto to kā šņori. Ņemot vērā to no kurienes tas nācis, ziepes nav nepieciešamas. Šitas gan vairāk attiecas uz būmeriem, bet ja to neironiski dari zem 30, tu esi idiots; ja zem 18, ap tevi ir briesmīgi cilvēki, izsaku līdzjūtību.
Ceru ka esmu kādu aizskāris, citādi jau nebūtu jēgas rakstīt. Grūti dzīvot kad smadzenes rīvē duraki (nē, bet idioti).
p.s. Dirst ej twitter ar saviem 140 (vienalga cik) simboliem, es gribu rakstīt tieši par vienu simbolu vairāk neka tev šķiet ka es drīkstu, lai arī cik tas nebūtu un netaisos ziedot atstarpes. Nav 90tie.
Pavisam karsts!
Oh, wow, skaties mammm, Fēnikss ir atkal cēlies spārnos!
Bet es jau tagad varu pačukstēt ka šis ieraksts ilgi karāsies pašā augšā jo -
man vienkārši apnika ka tas drons tur karājas jau pāris gadus pašā augšā un visi tie daudzie apmeklētāji ir spiesti ciest kopā ar mani.
Nedēļas nogales projekts - drons
Kādu laiku pēc lidmašīnu hobija saņēmos pirmā drona pirkumam - Eachine 130 racer. Tas ir mazs 3 collu drons, kuram komplektā bija jau gandrīz viss, trūka tikai uztvērēja un pults. Pulti palienēju no lidmašīnu laikiem, tik bija jānomaina raidītāja modeli.
3 collu drons ir jauki, bet ar laiku uztaisīju arī pirmo 5 collu budžeta lidoni uz martian II rāmja, sarkani oranžos toņos.

Tā kā šajā hobijā ekstra detaļas vienmēr tiek jau laicīgi piepirktas mirkļiem kad kaut kas sabojājas, tad praktiski vienmēr ir iespēja salikt vēl vienu lidoni. Šādā veidā arī saliku zilu dronu ar X veida rāmi (Realacc DC220). Pa vidu tapuši vēl daži, taču man tik ļoti iepatikās X veida rāmis, ka izlēmu uztaisīt vēl vienu, plus mīnus identisku tam, lai nav situācijas kad uz lauka vienam kaut kas nolūzt un nevar vairs lidot.
- Rāmis - Realacc DC220
- ESC - Robotdog 35A (DSHOT1200)
- FC - Matek F405-OSD. Matek produkti ļoti patīk, jo sevišķi tādēļ ka tie produkta lapā iekļauj dažādas saslēgumu instrukcijas arī ja tiek izmantoti citu ražotāju komponentes.
- PDB - Realacc/Matek PDB-XPW (bija iegādāts FCHUB-6S, bet kaut kur pazudis)
- Motori - Emax RS2306
- Kamera - RunCam Eagle 2 Pro
- VTX - Eachine TS5828S (Drīz no lidmašīnas atbrīvosies TBS Unify) + Realacc UXII
- RX - Frsky XM+
Pa diviem - trim vakariem saliku kopā, nolakoju un sakonfigurēju identiski iepriekšējam zilajam. Pirmais lidojums rādija, ka abi iet labi, tagad tik jāgaida zaļu sezonu, jo riebjas sniegs, aukstums un tā melnbaltā miskaste, kas ārpus loga.

Tu domāji nepareizi
Pretēji tam, kā jums varētu šķist, šis superportāls nav miris. Kaut kur glabājas raksti, kurus neesmu publicējis, jo "lol". Pateikt man pretī tu arī neko nevari, jo pateicoties spameru ierakstiem (nevar saprast, tos rakstījuši ļaudis ir ar daļēji mirušām smadzenēm vai vienkārši robotu reklāma, kas rada krietni lielāku dilemmu kā parasts spams), komentāri ir atslēgti.
Tiekamies pēc pāris gadiem.
UPD @ Sept: Re, raksti ir atpakaļ
Problēmas risināšana IT stilā
Kā vienmēr, vāros gari, TLDR: Asterisk.
Bitei ir laba zona, teikšu ka pat labāka kā Tele2. Bet ne visur. Un ne vienmēr. Teiksim kabinetā man neiet, it kā ir, bet tā -tā. Labā lieta ir tāda, ka parunāt var, bet reāli jau neviens nerunā kabinetā (lai netraucētu kolēģiem), tapēc dodas ārā. Parasti klusākā vieta kur nolīst ofisa ēkai ir tuvāk pilsētas centram, tur arī zona ir krietni labāka, ideāla.
Tā sanācis, ka pēdējā laikā biežāk sēžu kabinetā stāvu zemāk. Tur Bitei man zonas nav pilnīgi necik, nepalīdz nekas, ne forsēts 2G, nekas. Sanāca pat tā, ka kolēģis ar LMT regulāri nāca lejā, iedot telefonu parunāt, jo klients mani nevar sazvanīt. Un ja klients nevar sazvanīt, tad tas ir slikti. Neskatoties uz to ka mūsu ofiss atrodas Valmieras baltajās zīmēs, sajūta tāda kā dzīvotu trešās pasaules valstī. Vienkārši atrodamies pilsētas nomalē un ofisa ēka laikam ir viens liels faradeja būris kas nepatīk bites viļņiem.
Skatījos tarifus, bite tomēr uzvar, tieši tarifu ziņā. Tele2 ir laikam tik pat, bet minu ka Tele2 zona ir tāds pats craps. Un es vēl ļoti ilgi atcerēšos apjājienu ar Tele2 interneta tarifiem. Ja man būtu piektā nokija, tādas problēmas nebūtu, bet jau 10 gadus tālruņiem nav ārējās antenas.
Risinājumiem bija dažādi, bet mans risinājums šai situācijai ir tāds - Tā kā Android jau no 2.3 versijas ir native VOIP atbalsts, tad izlēmu būvēt telefoncentrāli. Paņēmu mājās veco raspberry pi, piespraudu tīkla vadu un no kolēģa aizlienētu "mobilo puļķi". Iekšā ieliku Okarti, tādas mētājas no dažādiem projektiem un uzstādīju Asterisk atvērtā koda telefoncentrāli.
Protams tik vienkārši jau tas nebija, ņemot vērā, ka pieredze ar to ir ļoti ļoti minimāla (necik). Nekas tur negāja, kompilējot nekas negāja un likās ka tas ir absolūts no-go. Pat RasPBX īsti nesagāja uzreiz, bet ar laiku izdevās pielauzt un atkārtoti uzliekot vēl kādas 5 reizes, viss jau gāja pat ļoti raiti.
Sastāvdaļas - Android telefons, Raspberry Pi (der pirmais, pats senākais modelis), RasPBX, USB GSM modulis, Okarte un tīkla vads.
1. Android telefonam pievienoju savu telefoncentrāli kā SIP serveri (extension), ieslēdzu ienākošos zvanus, nodrošinot to ka centrāle mani var sasniegt jebkurā laikā.
2. Telefonam ar kodu *62* aktivizēju zvanu pāradresāciju uz sekundāro numuru laikos kad mans primārais numurs nav pieejams.
3. Centrālē USB puļķī ienākošos zvanus savienoju (trunk) ar savu centrāles numuru (extension) un zvani no sekundārā numura caur internetu nonāk pie manis. Aizmirsu pieminēt, ka (loģiski) kabinetā ir ļoti labs internets.
4. Zvanot kontaktiem, telefons ļauj izvēlēties kā vēlos zvanīt - caur primāro telefontīklu, vai SIP serveri. Tad kad nav zonas, zvanu caur SIP.
Tā kā viss patika, sākotnēji ieslēdzu arī zvanu ierakstīšanu, bet tā kā atvilnē atrastā SD karte bija veca un lēna, tad nebrīnos ka tieši tas bija iemesls tam, ka kādas pirmās 5 sekundes sarunā ir sarunas aizture uz kādām 2 sekundēm. Pēc tam viss ir kārtībā, aizturi, manuprāt, just nevar. Kad noņēmu ierakstīšanu, šāda aizture ir var būt sekundi vai divas pēc sarunas sākšanas.
Vēl viens sarežģījums radās, kad aizlienēto interneta puļķi nomainīju pret patstāvīgi, māsas doto. Abi ir huawei (chan_dongle prasība), bet otrais bija bloķēts. Pirmkārt, jānoņem SIM aizslēgu, bet pašu USB modemu var atslēgt, iegūstot kodu no IMEI numura (internetā atrodamas programmas) un ievadot to AT komandu veidā. Nesaprotu, kādēļ operatori tos vispār bloķē, jo atslēgšana aizņēma vien dažas minūtes.
Ja es pie šāda elementāra risinājuma būtu nonācis kādus 5 gadus atpakaļ, kad starp "lielākajiem" tīkliem nebija bezmaksas minūtes, varētu sev uztaisīt stipri lētākas sarunas, izmantojot vairākus puļķus un SIM karti katram tīklam. Tagad tas, protams, ir bezjēdzīgi, ja vienīgi noliek sev citu centrāli kaut kur ārzemēs, kur pašam sanāk biežāk zvanīt. Bet tam ir var ļoti ērti lietot zerozvanu.
Tā nu šoreiz esmu sadzīvisku problēmu risinājis nevis ar naudu (iegādājoties citu karti ar labāku pārklājumu), bet gan ar IT attapību ;)
Lenovo S650 Lollipop
Good news, we have working Android 5 available for our phone, Lenovo S650. Of course it's third party again, but it works, there is no bloatware (besides google chrome) preinstalled so it's all good. And we have stock settings and Google Now Launcher by default. So far it looks clean and performant, no HW issues whatsoever. EDIT: not a real lollopop :(
Lenovo S650 AOSP 4.4.2 (Kitkat) + common issues I've had installing it
Lenovo S650 is a great phone and I think it's newer brother, S660, is even better. There are only 2 real drawbacks:
- it has no built in compass (which is really really bad)
- it has very special software, VibeUI on it.
The VibeUI. It can very well be kitkat (yes, they do have official kitkat update now), but you wouldn't know that unless you look at the software version, because they have modified everything. Even settings menu is custom, I hate that. Another issue is that fishy antivirus thingy that keeps bugging me. It could run in background, but instead it's always on status bar. I hate that. I tried to escape it in any way, but there is no support, seems like everyone loves the VibeUI.
Last night I found out there is an AOSP kitkat version that actually works. So i've written a small article how I installed it on my S650, because this custom firmware is published on russian site and while i can somehow read it, i believe there are people that cannot.
First, here's a link to the forum topic that has various firmwares:
IMEI backup
It's very possible that you will loose your mobile connectivity because of invalid IMEI error after flashing any firmware. You have to write down both IMEI numbers of your phone just to be safe. You have been warned. Do this first and save the numbers.
Custom recovery
You will need TWRP recovery for your phone. I got it from here:… (or here)
I had ROW version installed already because my phone was ROW.
I chose "Google_AOSP by Zver999666", because it was latest that had all features i wanted. It's posted here:
There are 3 downloads: ROW version, CN version and Root that works on both. You have two options to choose from: ROW ROM or CN ROM, but you have to flash version that your current system has. I tried to run ROW, but I got stuck on a boot loop with coloured dots flying around, never finishing the boot.
So what i did is, i changed TWRP from ROW to CN by flashing a new one and I also flashed filesystem fix, originally posted here, but the link didn't work so i got it from here:§ion=atta… .
It also comes with an instruction: you flash TWRP CN version (2.7), reboot and then flash the that has been automatically created in root of sdcard.
Then i flashed the mentioned earlier and it was all good now.
Flashing CN version
So yeah, I flashed the CN version, then Root pack and it just worked.
Invalid IMEI
This one has been bugging me from the very first night I got the phone and flashed it. I think i accidentally formatted the wrong partitions or something, but i had to fix IMEI. Apparently it was erased so I had to fix it somehow. IMEI1 is written on the back of the phone, I calculated another IMEI using online calculator (cannot recall which one), because you cannot just provide a random one. I used those 2 IMEI numbers and software called imei_mtk6515 (I know we have MTK6582, but it indeed works) from…
You have to run it like this: imei.exe <15digit_IMEI_1> <15digit_IMEI_2> MP0B_001
I have linux, but the exe file still works even for me, so apparently it doesn't matter if you have windows or linux.
This command generates nvram file MP0B_001, that you have to put in /data/nvram/md/NVRAM/NVD_IMEI/ . To accomplish this, i used software called "ES File explorer" that has "Root browser" option which allows copying the MP0B_001 and putting it in location provided above.
One more thing: It didn't work for me at first, but i figured out i have to set permissions for the file, 660 (rw rw -).
Reboot the phone and you should have coverage now.